Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter
  • Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter
  • Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter
  • Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter
  • Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter
  • Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter

Novel rPET AquaGuard Block bacteria Filter

MbranFiltra Introduces the tailored as the world's first novel rPET (recycled PET) AquaGuard Bacteria-Blocking Filter in the complement emergency kits and designs for direct combine into the commercial water bottles. The innovation filter prioritizes human safety, environmental sustainability, and water resources, that is the latest jigsaw unit for emergency kit component.

Novel rPET AquaGuard Bacteria-Blocking Filter is not just a filter, it's an industry-leading product and the lowest carbon emission, the smallest, the lightest filter in the world that is unique in its ability to block out bacterias. Users can get clean water, sterile water for emergency wound care, drinkable water anywhere and anytime.
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